N – eNergy work


Reiki, often referred to as the “universal life energy” or divine power, is a complementary energy healing therapy. It works by transferring universal energy from the practitioner’s hands to the client, focusing on various areas of the body to promote healing and balance.

The Five Core Effects of Reiki

  • Deep Relaxation: Reiki helps calm the mind and body.
  • Release of Energy Blockages: Clears pathways to allow energy to flow freely.
  • Detoxification: Supports the body’s natural cleansing processes.
  • Healing Life Energy: Introduces vital force to support overall well-being.
  • Higher Vibrational Frequency: Enhances the body’s energy with additional life force.

What to Expect During a Session

  • Duration: A typical session lasts 60–90 minutes and may incorporate massage techniques and chakra healing.
  • Pre-Treatment Conversation: Before the session begins, we’ll discuss specific areas where healing is needed to tailor the treatment to your needs.
  • Healing Symbols: Reiki symbols are used to facilitate physical, emotional and distance healing.

Important Note

Reiki is a holistic and complementary therapy and does not replace medical treatment or consultation with a doctor.

Reiki’s Mantra:

Thank you, for this day and all the others before and after.
Just for today, don’t be angry and don’t worry.
Just for today, show appreciation and gratitude.
Just for today, be diligent and hard working.
Just for today, be kind and gentle to others and yourself.


Mikao Usui (founder) – Dr. Chujiro Hayashi (2nd grandmaster) – Hawayo Takata (3rd grandmaster) – Beth Grey (4th grandmaster) – Sister Rita Baptista (5th grandmaster – Louise Westerhout (6th grandmaster) – Andrew Garrett (7th grandmaster) – Filippo Speranza (2nd Level Pracitioner)

Allow Reiki to guide you toward balance, relaxation, and renewed energy. For a Reiki-Session book here:

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is a therapeutic practice that uses sound frequencies—vibrations and waves—to bring the body, mind, and spirit into harmony and promote health. Conscious intention enhances the power of these sound frequencies. Together with the client, specific intentions can be set to focus on individual goals during the therapy.

Benefits of Sound Healing

  • Releases emotional blockages and promotes overall well-being
  • Induces deep relaxation, helping you enter a meditative state and gain mental clarity
  • Restores harmony, elevates consciousness, and balances the body
  • Alleviates anxiety, depression, digestive disorders, pain, and insomnia
  • Boosts energy, enhances creativity, and fosters a stronger connection with yourself
  • Improves joint function and mobility
  • Works on the body’s energy field and chakras

Forms of Sound Healing Therapy

Therapy sessions can be tailored to your needs, either individually or in combination.

1. Relaxing Vibrations Therapy (15 minutes)

Focused on deep relaxation, stress relief, and activating the body’s self-healing processes.

2. Foot Reflex Zones Therapy (30 minutes)

Targets circulation issues, supports the healing of internal organs linked to foot reflex zones, alleviates knee and hip pain, and promotes general well-being.

3. Hand Reflex Zones Therapy (30 minutes)

Addresses hypertension, supports healing of internal organs linked to hand reflex zones, relieves shoulder and neck pain, and promotes relaxation.

4. Mind Detoxification Therapy (20 minutes)

Reduces anger, depression, frustration, and anxiety, while fostering positive emotions like peace, joy, and love.

5. Energy Body Restoration Therapy (20 minutes)

Designed for chronic or critical illnesses, this therapy restores energy balance and vitality.

6. Support for Physical Ailments (Up to 1 hour, if combined)

Focuses individually and sequentially on common physical issues, including digestive disorders, knee joint pain, lower back pain, shoulder tension, neck stiffness, headaches, and migraines. These areas can also be addressed separately or combined with other therapies listed above

Instructions for clients

Sound healing is a safe and gentle practice suitable for all age groups, including pregnant individuals and those with mental health challenges.

Session Overview:

  • Pre-Session-Discussion: Before the session begins, we’ll have a brief conversation to discuss specific areas you’d like to focus on for healing.
  • During the Session: You are in control at all times — if you feel uncomfortable at any point, you can ask to stop. Simply relax and allow yourself to fully experience the vibrations with an open mind, free from logical thinking.
  • Duration: A session’s duration can be discussed and tailored on your needs at the appointment.
  • After the Session: If there is anything you want to share, you are free to do so. Make sure to drink about a liter of water in intervals after the session to aid the healing process.

Preparation Tips:

  • Wear loose, light-colored clothing (preferably white) to encourage relaxation and represent peace and energy.
  • Avoid wearing any metal jewelry or accessories, as metals have their own frequencies that may interfere with the healing process.
  • Have a light meal before the session or come on an empty stomach

Just surrender yourself to experience the divine vibrations with an open mind. For a Soundhealing-Session book here:

Principles of Healing

Spiritual Healing: A Journey to Wholeness

Spiritual healing is a deeply personal path of reconnecting, restoring, and harmonizing the soul to find inner peace, renewal, and awakening. It’s about coming back to yourself—your true essence—and nurturing connections with the Divine, nature, and the people around you. This journey requires commitment and daily practice. Healing isn’t something that happens to you; it’s something you actively participate in. While I’m here to guide and support you, the true work comes from within.

Healing, especially at a deep level, takes time. In our fast-paced, high-pressure world, it can be challenging to slow down and give yourself the patience you deserve. It’s not always a straight path—there will be challenges and moments when progress feels slow. That’s okay. Treat yourself with kindness and know that you can always return to your healing journey when you’re ready. Remember, only time will heal you.

Feel What You Feel, Then Let It Go

Emotions are part of being human. They aren’t good or bad—they just are. Allow yourself to feel them fully, and then let them pass. Don’t hold on too tightly. Your emotions don’t define you; they’re messages from your brain. Feelings, on the other hand, are influenced by your memories and beliefs. Take the opportunity to understand what they’re teaching you.

Let Go of Expectations

Society often measures success by wealth, productivity, or perfection. These pressures can disconnect us from ourselves, each other, and nature, leading to stress and even illness. Let go of these expectations. Happiness doesn’t come from external achievements or possessions, which are temporary by nature. Instead, focus on what truly matters: understanding your purpose, connecting with your inner self, and embracing life as the beautiful gift it is.

Life is full of mystery and wonder. Take time to explore, reflect, and savor the experience of being alive. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being present.
